Thursday 31 March 2011


I think I have a disease, nothing tragic but I do believe it is not only contagious but that it also in the genes. I know that it has missed my sister but that I have definately inherited it from my grandmother. That shouldn't surpise me though as I also have her penchant for sweet things,cheap jewellery and big boobs. I know my sister missed this gene trait as when you go to her house it's letting out a breath, just walking in makes me slow down and breath deeper but it also has the exact opposite effect of making me worry about the kids that are undoubtedly trailing behind me in their youthful trail of destruction.

This disease I talk about is a lack of orginisation that just can't flow out of me as naturally as it does others no matter how hard I try. I have a desire to organise my living area but it never gets to completion, I go to somewhere like IKEA and am in awe of how small areas are so orderly. I honestly wander around all day and am doing things constantly but at the end of the day I turn around and wonder what exactly did I do all day that has made me exhausted.
I have tried using Fly-Lady and her ideas but I still couldn't pull it off. I watch shows like Clean House and congratulate myself on not being as out of control as some people are in the 'before' sections but when I watch the 'after' transformation I generally feel out of control once again. Can people honestly keep living in such cleaned out spaces, do they have kids and keep them in a shed or a cage or something?

It's not that my house is dirty, it's just chaotic as my mother described it to me once. I think it has something to do with a reverse gravity pull in my place also, it seems that we are always carrying bags of things up into the house everytime we get out of the car but it very rare that we are seen taking things back down.  We must have some kind of black hole in the house somewhere sucking in paper piles and 1 shoe and clothes baskets. I am often reassured by those with grown up children that it will stop when they move out so I only have about another 16 odd years of this kind of chaos,I hope the disease will then be curable.


  1. Coming from a family of 6 kids I know well this disease you talk about. Ikea? well? lets be serious, if you want to live in a sterile enviroment with just you or your mate and talk about what your going to do with both of your endless time together alone in your sterile little bubble, then sweet. If on the other hand your house if full of bundles of life then strap on your sealbelt & helmet and get ready for some chaos, dramas, piles of clothes, toys and stuff left everywhere cause this phase of life although hectic is par for your course.

    Life with kids isn't about picking everything up all the time or trying to make your place look like someone else's. It's about looking at it as the flow and going with it because in what seems a blink of an eye it'll all be gone!

    Those hallways filled with laughter & toys to step on, the lounge with paper on the floor and plates on the couch, the bedrooms looking like an RPG just went off all gone...

    Then when your sitting having a quite coffee by yourself with your thoughts and the silence..... I guarantee you'd pray to have the chaos back! Why? Because your life right now is what life is all about! Experience it, enjoy it don't try to over analise it & live it....

    I love the disease!!!

  2. Love your blog!
    Having a chuckle reading it too!
    You that is so me and I am proud of it too.
    Plenty of time to be organised, maybe when i grow up :)

  3. look at this every day and you'll feel better

  4. I must have the same disease my house looks chaotic at most times... but hey we've got to live as hubby says! I think if you really engage with your kids it more important than a quick vac but every Sunday I have started the hour of power where everybody does house stuff for one hour it's brilliant.
